A Painless Website Build

Inspired Spine

Inspired Spine is a network of clinics that treat back and neck pain with minimally invasive spinal procedures. It’s a terrifying subject that can scare away potential patients if the messaging and visuals aren’t correct.

The Inspired Spine organization had just finished a rebrand and renaming exercise and wanted to build a new website to announce the changes. We worked carefully with the branding agency to make sure everything we were developing hit all the delicately tested marks along the way.

The new look brought them to the national stage and allowed them to compete with the top healthcare institutions. They were proud to be displayed in such a unique format that they felt encapsulated the level of care they give to patients.

Being able to diffuse the fear from spine treatment and help patients across the United States find relief from merciless pain made working on this project such a rewarding experience. Watching any of the patient testimonials makes me proud to have been the designer on this account.

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Mockup of home page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of mobile home page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of subpage page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of provider page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of blog page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of blog article page design for Inspired Spine
Mockup of 404 page design for Inspired Spine

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Methodist Health System

Methodist Health System has been providing the highest quality care to North Texas for nearly 100 years. During our partnership we set out to create a website that was constructed specifically to stand the test of time with flexibility at its core.

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Landing Page Design Framework

Landing pages are a uniquely important type of project at Scorpion. They need to be launched lightning fast, convert at an incredibly high rate, and represent our clients branding without needing massive changes to the framework.

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The Respondent

The Respondent is podcast series, book, and audiobook produced with the goal of improving the American family unit. Greg Ellis shares his harrowing true story to bring attention to the fact that 4,000 children lose a parent in family court every day in America.

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